Pluralsight - Getting Started with Fusion 360 Surface Modeling

01 - Course Overview - Course Overview

02 - Overview - Surfacing Discussion and Course Outline

03 - Overview - Surfacing Examples

04 - Overview - Manufacturing Considerations and Getting Started

05 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Project Overview and Starting the Design

06 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Starting the Initial Sketch

07 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Continuing the Initial Sketch

08 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Finishing the Initial Sketch and Revolve Feature

09 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Draft Analysis

10 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Sketching the Handle

11 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Creating the Lofts for the Handle Geometry

12 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Finishing the Handle

13 - Hair Dryer Geometry Creation - Inspection and Draft Analysis

14 - Sub-D Geometry Creation - Creating Geometry in the Sculpt Workspace

15 - Sub-D Geometry Creation - Working with Geometry in the Sculpt Workspace

16 - Sub-D Geometry Creation - Refining the Sculpted Geometry

17 - Sub-D Geometry Creation - Using Symmetry in Sub-D Models

18 - Sub-D Geometry Creation - Draft Analysis of Sub-D Model

19 - Sub-D Geometry Creation - Using Primitives to Create Sub-D Geometry

20 - Sub-D and Patch Geometry - Overview and Creating a New Sub-D Form

21 - Sub-D and Patch Geometry - Creating the Parting Line and Ergonomic Handle Grip

22 - Sub-D and Patch Geometry - Finishing the Handle Grip and Creating the Reveal for the Split

23 - Sub-D and Patch Geometry - Finishing Touches and Modifying the Form

24 - Conclusion - Conclusion And Zebra Analysis

25 - Conclusion - Curvature Analysis


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  • Pluralsight - Getting Started with Fusion 360 Surface Modeling